How A Private Investigation Service Can Help Your Child Custody Case

Child custody cases almost always seem to be extremely grilling experiences.  Nonetheless, the hiring of an experienced and qualified private investigator to strengthen your case can assuredly help tremendously. According to many leading private investigation service agencies, proof and facts by carrying out a thorough investigation can strengthen your case by a whopping 75%. Judges always seek to award child custody to the most dependable and responsible parent.  To accomplish this, the judicial system will diligently look deep inside the matter. 


Below are some high points of a private investigation service and why you should consider getting one for a child custody case.


Getting The Facts A child custody battle is a time filled with a great deal of parental emotional.  During that time, it can be difficult to get the necessary facts straight as each parent supplies information that has been filtered, and most definitely ‘vetted’, through their own perspective. However, private investigators meticulously check these facts to determine the real truth which might be harmful or beneficial to the wellbeing of the child, as well as the potential impact upon your custody case.


Constructive Investigation Parents generally have skewed or flawed beliefs about custody cases. They believe that their main aim is to assign blame while spreading negativity about the other party. Conversely, they should actually focus on the positive points about themselves. Constructive investigations by private detectives can concretely demonstrate parental high points and behaviors which can definitely be helpful to a child custody matter.  


Abuse and Neglect Neglect and abuse of children by either party can be a determining factor in their custody case. Generally, it is not wise to demean the abusing parent as an enemy.  But, in child custody cases of abuse/neglect, it is crucial to incorporate this information along with the proper proof.  You and your lawyer must be prepared and equipped to fully enlighten the court about the situation.


Work With The System.  One of the most crucial aspects of child custody cases is acknowledging the fact that the judicial system cannot be changed within a night. One must realize that no matter how imperfect the family court system may seem, you must do your utmost to work with the system. In custody cases, child custody placement is determined by taking care of the child’s best interests. In order to do that, the court must consider all of the relevant claims and evidence.  There is 

probably no better way to support your claim rather than attesting to it with facts and figures revealed by a private investigation service.


For over the last 20 years, Global Pursuit Investigations has remained at the top for private investigation services for child custody and matrimonial investigations., 1-800-346-4006 and


The Global Pursuit Investigation professionals have helped hundreds of people in child custody and divorce cases with their expert investigative services.  Visit Global Pursuit Investigations to discuss a child custody case with our experts.

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