Human Trafficking Is America’s Problem Today Too

Human trafficking happens more than people realize and is a global problem. Human trafficking is not just women being bought and sold, but also involves children as well as men.


The lives of human trafficking victims are completely taken away from them, and they will carry the mental scars from the experience forever.  Can you image the terror anyone would feel being trapped in the world of human trafficking? Methods used to force these innocent people to comply are threats to harm them and/or their families with starvation, violence, etc.


Although there are laws in place to prosecute those who sell humans for money, governments across the world struggle to find all those who should be held accountable.  There are places online, such as the FBI government site, to find services assisting victims of, and providing a place to report, human trafficking. Has somebody forced you to work off a debt by using threats of causing you harm or your family? That’s a form of human trafficking. Taking someone’s passport, birth records or other documents of identification to perform sexual acts could be considered human trafficking.


Global Pursuit Investigations has remained dedicated to combatting human trafficking for many years.  The Global Pursuit Investigations Task Force combats human trafficking and supports existing government efforts on a global level to successfully rescue human trafficking victims and increase prosecution of human traffickers.  For more information about Global Pursuit Investigations protection, investigation, and crisis intervention services in the United States and across the world, check out Global Pursuit Investigations at, 1-800-346-4006 and  


It has been estimated that 1.2 million children are forced into human trafficking yearly, and that every ten minutes a woman or child is forced into human trafficking. 


Trust Global Pursuit Investigations today for protection throughout the world.

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